Improve Rural Schools

Improve Rural Schools

Thanks for shopping at “Parrot Crow”. A percentage of your every purchase from ‘Parrot Crow’ will be automatically transferred to upgrade rural School system in India.We at ‘Parrot Crow’ strongly believe only education development in rural India will bring major changes to the society in coming years. Making the children in the rural areas self developed will automatically reflect in our country development and bring changes to the society socially, literally and economically.Parrot Crow” has adopted the Government Higher Secondary School in Kattikulam Village in Sivagangai District of Tamil Nadu State. We will be working for the development of this rural school and it’s students.

Be a Chief Guest for the donation event :

Every customer who buys the product from ‘Parrot Crow’ is our VIP Guest. Every year through random selection one of our VIP Guest will be selected as Chief Guest for the donation event in the school to donate the welfare on behalf of ‘Parrot Crow’ being the VIP Guest.

 “Let us all together make our India the best living place in the world for the future generations”